I'm trying really hard to hang onto that yummy Sunday morning feeling today, but I'm not having much luck.
And so I shall apply my favorite expression to this day:
Poop. Double darn poop. Poop with poop on top. Pooperosity.
So let's humor her, shall we? Especially since she's resorted to writing in the third person again.
It would also be helpful if you would all make a really good pirate noise. Want to? Of course you do, who wouldn't?! It's a pirate noise, for heaven's sakes!

Okay, on the count of three. Ready? One...two...three!
Ahh.....I'm better already. Thanks.
" arrgh, you are making me hongry. aye, aye Cap'n".
It may not be not be sunday- yet, but she did some great pictures, didn't she? Annie loves her writing, 'specially yesterday, she's still thinking "holy" !!
I'm in! OMG! I've been stuck in a cyberg spiral. Calmer times?. . .those were kinda wild . . .How do we get 'em back? "ARRRRRRGHHHHHH" (yes!)
I am making mental pirate noises, because a true argggghhh sound will cause my braces to scrape against the tender skin of the insides of my lips and piss me right the frig off all over again. But I'm there with ya. It's only Monday and you know what, I'm exhausted already. I want beer on a beach and candy and perfume. Who DO I talk to about that?
I am sending some of these gemettes on to others. P.S: the cat photo says it all: MRAAAOW!
Yar, Mateys! Yar. . . (that's all I can muster) but I understand how it is to be so gritchy inside the skin that making pirate noises is the only comfort.
I would just like to note for the record that the woman jumping on the beds in one of the photos is bnmom.
There. I said it.
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