To become fully human in this life as it has been given us is to allow the sacredness of the ordinary to become manifest. To seek God in work, cooking, prayer, community, greeting strangers, and dealing with possessions is to enter into the mystery of the incarnation.
-The Rev. Brian Taylor, Spirituality for Everyday Living
It's hardest to love
the ordinary things, she said
but you get lots of opportunities
to practice.
-Brian Andreas, Hearing Voices
The seed is in the ground.
Now may we rest in hope
While darkness does it work.
-Wendell Berry
Dios mio,
today i go to birthday party.
we have good time...
sing 'happy birthday' song
and give presents.
why wait 'til birthday to sing song
and give gift...maybe person need
party in heart 'now.'
Dios mio-- send invitations.
-Sister M. Angela, God and a Mouse
The house was chock-full of Chihuahuas.
They were cavorting in the cupboards and splashing in the sink.
They were chilling in the ice-cube trays and melting into drinks.
And sitting right in the middle of the mayhem were his old amigos, Los Chimichangos.
"Hola, Skippito." Don Diego, the biggest of the small ones, grinned.
"We have been waiting for you, dude."
-Judy Schachner, SkippyjonJones in the Dog House
Thanks for the edifying Sunday thoughts.
thanks, Anam Cara.
All good thoughts and appreciated.
I have posted a little gift for you as well.
I just had the opportunity to find sacredness in folding clothes and love the ordinary of washing dishes . . . can’t say that I reached the goal quoted in your inspiring thoughts. But I will always BELIEVE it is possible, one day, maybe tomorrow.
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