Monday, September 3, 2007


In honor of our FOUR-day work week*, I offer you the following to tickle your funny bone:

*My apologies to those who are self-employed, don't celebrate holidays, or who are simply overachievers in the work department and are not getting their four-day work week. Or rather, they are, but only as a part of their usual five-, six-, or seven-day schedules. Poop, I say. Poop.


Anonymous said...

you have at last put the LOLCATS phenom (one with its own dot com, even) 'pon you're pages. this is a big leap. into the future!
"how do i like the future? well,...i'm *in* it."

~MAGILL~ said...

I had no idea that VW's were so erotic....

Doris Rose said...

TOO funny...two. to. 2 funny!I loved it mucho.welcome back.