While going through a festive search yesterday for one very specific picture that I needed for one very specific project, I found--to my delight--several picture CDs that I had all but forgotten about. I love finding surprise pictures! You never know what memories they hold, what feelings they'll evoke. Among the many jewels I discovered was a CD labeled "Albuquerque Trip October 2003." It had a pretty label on it so I knew it wasn't one that I had put together, since my general modus operandi is to leave all my CDs unlabeled and then toss them into a drawer with my blank CDs. That ensures that I'll never be able to find anything I'm looking for that's stored in a digital format, with the added bonus of never being able to find a blank CD when I need one.
Anyway, that October 2003 CD was turned out to be a trip that my parents made out here five years ago. It was my father's last visit here, which gives the memories a particularly poignant flavor. It was thrilling to find these photo memories of our time together, so I thought I would share the love here, it all its digital glory.
Look at this cute couple. Don't ask what my father is doing with his hat. Since he was an engineer, I'm sure he had a very good and important reason. And isn't that a darling hat my mom is wearing? My clever sister made it for her years ago.
This is my new favorite picture of my mom. Doesn't she look contemplative? She's probably wondering where we're going to have lunch.
Here's some nice Jemez red dirt. I think we stopped and bought some fry bread at a roadside stand here. Mmm, fry bread...
Here's Wicked and her dad. Again, we don't know what he's doing with the hand, but since he's an engineer we trust him. Sort of.
Albuquerque Biopark
I love this picture. Since my parents were not really the handholding type, I think my dad was probably helping my mom down the slope here. Or maybe getting ready to hurl her off the mountain. Still--so sweet.
woot indeed. in the *second* picture with the hand, he is making a visual comic reference to the weird-assed Super Churro Giant Yardstick in the background. in first hand-thing picture, i think he's waving the hat as to say "go Phillies."
Great pictures, good memories. I believe I even have a couple from a dinner on that trip-when your mom thought it was safe for you to come over to my house...;-0
Thanks for sharing photos of your Pop. I am busy scanning for famble resemblance . . . And also pondering the following:
How funny is it that both you and I have engineering fathers AND engineering spousal units? How did THAT happen? Becuase I don't know about you, but I can't screw in a light bulb without a bottle of tequila and an instruction manual, which I won't even bother to read anyway.
aj: dude, you know i count on you to provide clarity around the important issues that i face, particularly those involving family. fill me up with stories, and don't bother with the veracity.
dr: Yes, indeed, that was the same trip. Good memory! And my mom has no problem with me coming over to your house AS LONG AS YOU'VE PUT THE GUN AWAY.
Moi: Interesting thought. I think there are a whole slew of therapists who would say that the first part of your question answers the second part. Also, if you *were* to read instruction manuals, you would see that a healthy serving of tequila is required to precede all home repairs. Trust me on this.
in my neck of the local digs, the correct professionals' term for any homeowner-attempted repair with a tequila precedent is: "Code 33."
and we're good with respect to my capacity for veracity, but did you mention counting on me for clarity?
..."around important issues"???
dude, that's like counting on rush limbaugh to shut up.
Such a cute and moving post, I have to comment late:
Good to see photos of your folks together. I too had an engineer pop, but the spousal unit cannot be easily catagorized as some your readers know. I hereby request that each of you send a bottle of high grade tequila our way - we have a s**t lode of work to do here! And the wanch twailer STILL WEAKS!
gay j: still, i stand by you.
a.fanny: well, you broke out of the engineering cycle while at the same time breaking the mold with your choice of spouseman. will a liberal application of tequila fix your woof, or just make you not care anymore about the drip, drip, drip on your forehead?
Wicked: good question about the tequila. It depends on the quality. Send it poste haste and we will let you know in a few days!
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