Monday, November 3, 2008

Wicked Faces the New Century, 8 Years Later

I have just been dragged kicking and screaming into Facebook by my ultra-cool and savvy friends who are full inhabitants of the 21st century. I know that I'm usually the last girl on the bus when it comes to these modern things--heck, I have a 20-year-old TV that runs off rabbit ears, and don't even talk to me about something called "BluRay" or even "cable TV" or "satellite dish"--but I hadn't realized the full extent of my techonologus ignoramus until a friend told me I really ought to try it. Both she and my other happening friend taunted me with invitations to view their pages, but those crafty muthas over there in Facebook Technology World wouldn't let me look at nothin' unless I signed up for my own page. So, in a moment of post-workout-adrenalin-high-risk-taking-this-is-what-your-mother-warned-you-about behavior, I did.


Hey, paranoid much?

This process has really made me aware of just how close to the vest I play it when it comes to revealing myself, particularly in that great big scary cyberspace. Stepping into a personal space on the internet just feels so...shaky (please don't be put off by the big words I'm using). As you know, while I have freely shared pictures of other people on my blog, only recently did I put my own photo up there. And even doing that gave me a little twitch that hasn't completely gone away yet. And now here I am on Facebook. The whole thing is making me itchy.

So the situations I'm faced with, aside from my general distrust of the human race, are: a) my unease with getting up close and personal with technology, and; 2) the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing once I get there.

For example, *just* in the time I have written this I have gotten responses to some of my requests to be Facebook friends. First of all, I had no idea that I was asking people to be friends when I signed up. How did this happen? I promise you--promise you--that I'm going to be embarrassed if some of those people who I haven't spoken to in years actually respond. Secondly, I have no idea how to respond to anyone. My niece sent me a message and, seriously, I don't know how to reply to her. I went to my profile--apparently I have a profile now--and tried to figure out what to do, but I couldn't. I am such a cybertard.

So please, any of you who have a handle on these crazy new interacting personal web space online thingymabobs, help me. Surely there's a Facebook for Dummies book out there, but since I don't have the attention span to read it, maybe one of you could Cliffs Notes it for me. Or maybe I'll just forget the whole thing and purge myself of the experience by drinking the rest of that bottle of Cab-Sav on my counter. The bottom line is that this is all proving to be too much for me. I think I better go put some cheese into my newfangled microwave device and melt it on something.


moi said...

Because I, too, am a complete technotard, I am about as capable of assisting you as I am of tap dancing in snowshoes. Pass the Cab-Sav.

Doris Rose said...

LOL hysterical...but in a sweet way. I understand totally and it has been a slow learning curve.I share the same concerns but just as it increases the exposure, it increase the "possibility". (and you know how we Love that word).
Just as new fangled- internet tube has made this election cycle one of the most exciting in history;it is figuratively connecting us with people in every corner of the world.Remember Eckart!
Thanks for a fun post.X
ps I don't know what to do with the gizmos on Facebook...

Wicked Thistle said...

Moi: I need you way more as a drinking pal than as a technology mentor, so we're simpatico here. Box wine, anyone?

DR: Thank you for reminding me about those "possibilities" that exist when I'm not thinking about cyber-serial-killers and identity theft. I love your glass half full attitude. Eckhart would approve your message.

moi said...

Well, you could always throw your box o' wine at the cyber-serial-killer. Or call Moi. I'm armed. And if I also happen to be drunk, no worries. Shooting's like driving – just close one eye and aim.

Wicked Thistle said...

Moi: Making some assumptions regarding consumption, a box of wine could make a pretty powerful weapon. Sort of like throwing hamburger at the guard dog, I suppose.

p.s. Please apprise in advance when you plan to be out and about. Driving. In your car. With one eye closed. Thankyew.

Anonymous said...

aj is, six home-built computers and two networks later, still also a technotard.

thank you lord for dead guy ale and shakespeare stout. amen.

Wicked Thistle said...

aj: three makes a club. you & moi can arm wrestle for president while i drink you're dead guy ale.