Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Joy! Oh Great Delight!

What greater joy is there than to wake up on a Sunday morning to snow falling, knowing that there are no demands upon you to go anywhere or do anything? One can fix a nice cuppa, put on her comfy pants, burn a little toast and while the morning away with great bouts of nothingness. Ahhhh...

Max gets very excited when it snows. He must go out in it, he simply must, and then he must come back in immediately before he can feel the wetness of the snowflakes underneath his 10 pounds of fur. It's how he does things. Witness:

I must go outside. See my head? It needs more snow on it. Let me out.

I must come inside now. I must. Open the door.

I am not fooling. Look into my adorable and beseeching eyes. Open the door. This isn't funny anymore. It's cold out here.

Aha! I am inside now! Where is that bee-yotch Fiona? I shall lord my freedom over her.

Shoo. Get out of here. Me and Kris Kringle have a date, and you're really ruining the love buzz.

Fine. Let me out again. I must go out.

All right, I don't know why you put up with that ridiculous cutesy crap from me. Let's end this on a more dignified note, with some serious winter pictures.

Now let me out.


Doris Rose said...

I like the cutesy crap and the spayshul lidda kitties...

Nice pictures!

Soup Hat said...

I woke up with snow falling... and a fever.

But at least i was wearing mah comfy pants!

Wicked Thistle said...

DR: Thankyew. I cannot help myself; they are simply irresistible. You understand.

SoupHat: Waaaaah! Sickness is okay most of the time if it's accompanied by comfy pants. Hang tight; I'll be there soon.

Anonymous said...

soup hat lives the life of Riley, if anyone cares to know. but it's great to have him around--just ask his funny unka mark.