Anyhoo, some friends have been posting pictures of our sweet selves back then, and it got me to thinking about that box o' stuff in my garage labeled "memorabilia." (Who labels things "memorabilia," I ask? Me, apparently.) So I dragged the thing out and have been going through it for the last two days. Oh, lawsy, the memories it's bringing up! It's a funny thing how you get used to yourself after a while and forget how you once were, and probably still are underneath all those layers of adulthood. Going through the box has been enlightening, disturbing, but mostly just plain delightful. And while it would be easy to wax on about youth and its energy, vitality, focus, loyalties, intensity, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, I would really prefer to talk about this:

Holy mother of gawd, would you look at those GLASSES?! Let's forget, for a moment, about the caterer's outfit I'm wearing. And it's really not a good time to discuss those bangs, as that issue has never completely resolved itself. Setting aside the adorable fluffball named Myrtle who could almost distract you from the moon goggles, though, one wonders what in hell was I thinking?! Who left me unsupervised in the industrial frames section at the optometrist's office?!
Oh, and folks, this wasn't just a one-time fashion don't made after one too many sips from the communion wine. No, no, this was a bonafide trend. Behold:

Preparing to embarrass myself in front of a crowd

Embarrassing myself in front of God and his staff

Unafraid to go out in the light of day in those things. My niece was unaffected due to her missing front tooth, which made her look like a doofus, too. We were soulmates.

My poor nephew, cool even at this tender age, was forced to sit next to me and my BIG, HUMONGOUS GLASSES for this picture. He's been scarred ever since. Just look how depressed we both are.

Thank goodness my brother A.J. did not abandon me in my time of need, when no doubt sirens were going off in his head and escape hatches beckoning. He was so cool even I couldn't break his stride. I love you, man. Thanks for not leaving me in the dust. And for giving me a ride on the back of your motorcycle. I probably had to wear my glasses over my helmet, didn't I? Sigh...

Hmm...Apple? Tree? Anybody?
The pièce de résistance. Horrifying, yes?
All right, in my defense, I would like to say two things. First, I was not alone. Say hello to Tamara, a friend and fellow fashion idiot from summer camp (Hello, Tamara...).
See, see? It wasn't just me. Thank you, Tamara, for serving as an object lesson. Power to the bug eyes, my sista!!
Either you are totally brave for putting up these photos or you are totally drunk. Either way, this is the laugh I have needed for quite some time now, so thank you. And, that last photo? Maybe the best Farrah hair that ever existed in the universe. You can take comfort in that.
Those glasses were TOTALLY COOL and a fashion statement at the time! I still have a pair in my drawer (used for wacky waitress auditions)! So WE were cool then too! Doesn't it make you wonder how we are being wierd NOW? When will they finally laugh at high heels?? (Uh-oh, MOI is a-comin' for me...)
Moi: I know. You'd think I'd go through life with some dignity, wouldn't you? But no. God put me here to make you laugh. Listen, you should see the pictures I *didn't* post.
a.fanny: THANK YOU! You have redeemed my sad ass. Those frames are coming back in style, just you wait and see. And when they do, we'll have a drawer full of 'em that we can sell on eBay and finance our comfortable shoe wardrobe.
OMG, Fabulous pics,what a treat and inspiring. This must have been the "Cute" and "Adorable" years. Thanks for sharing. Love the one w/ your Dad.
1. at the 80's, a secret password was required to obtain non-industrial frames. one simply wore the Monolith Size until society forced one into seeking & learning the password for sleeker eyewear. due to the trauma, one generally forgot afterward. see, not you're fault.
II. in niece pic, niece looks exactly like her own son Jeff-Fries would later appear. in nephew pic, *you* look exactly like *niece* would later appear. nephew was having none of it.
4. A Series Of Unfortunate Twins pic: it wasn't you. sirens have *always* been going off in my head, escape hatches *always* beckoning. (yet he lurks in the shadow in you're christmas pic...what is wrong with this guy?)
4b. still, we shoulda done a tap dance to go with. maybe we did?
memorabilia & fellow-fashion-idiotwise, i should now probably quote pioneering designer Elizabeth Hawes, from 1938:
"Fashion is spinach…I say to hell with it."
AJ apologizes for length and claims that you started it.
did you mention a Mothership? is it coming maybe soon? i want to go too.
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