You might want to sit down for this.
Thems as you as have been to my house know that you don't come over to watch the latest episode of Fashion Runway or to catch up on your South Park or even to watch Hallmark's latest weepfest. Why not, you ask? Because for the last 20 years, this has constituted my entire entertainment center:
Perty, ain't it? That's 13" of viewing pleasure, my friends. Funny thing, but over the last couple of years, it's been getting harder to see and hear. Must be something in the picture tube or the audio cable or sumpin' other than my own deteriorating eyes and ears. Anyhoo, this is college-era vintage, baby, and you can't find one just anywhere. Not even eBay stocks this lovely. I have loved this TV, insomuch as one can love an inanimate object, and when all that ballyhoo started about the big analog-to-digital changeover, I was truly torn. As much as I knew it was time to trade up, I somehow felt that I was bending to the will of consumerism to do so. This TV represented something to me; it meant that my life was interesting enough not to need a big screen telly to occupy my days and nights, that I could make do just fine with my tiny antique model (it's got color! Muted color, but still!). Plus, I was worried that if I got a big ol' honkin' television, all I would ever do was watch it (same rationale I employ for not getting cable or satellite, by the way).
All that philosophical thinking flew out the window when I saw this baby on sale at Target:
Please let me introduce you: TV, my readers; my readers, my new TV.
Now I am the proud owner of something that every other American takes for complete granted. And guess what? I can see it! I can hear it! The volume works, the picture's good, and it came installed with this guy:
Cute, huh? He wants to be my lawyer. Also, I get more channels with my digital presentation, and am now able to enjoy this fanciful show:
Well, there you have it, Wicked's fall to consumerism. Did you hear the big whoomp when it happened? The politicians will be so proud, as I have now done my my patriotic duty by contributing to the economy. You're welcome to come over and enjoy a show or two with me, but don't ask me out to dinner or to go to the show or really to leave the house at all, because I'm too busy these days. Watching.
Patriotic Wicked! Supporting our economy and with a really nice's real purty and so is the picture....and HUGE. Party. I'll bring popcorn!
Holy crap. Another Luddite bites the dust. Now, when's the zombie movie fest?
Ladies: excellent point--we can now actually watch movies at my house! DR, you got the popcorn, Moi, you got 'Sean of the Dead,' and me, well, I've got more wine and beer than you can shake a drunk stick at, so come on over!
do you know how hard tre souphat is *already* nipping at my heels to produce one of these 32" units (from my magical ***, presumably) for his viewing ecstasy? lordy, but i just ain't going home tonight.
still, one can't argue with such style raffiné.
Looks like digital has really expanded your cultural parameters. But you STILL do not have cable or satellite??? Do you not feel rather ignorant, out of it, unfashionable, uncool, uninformed? Wow, there is hope! I thought spousal unit and I were the only ones left on the planet who were so backward (except for Moi, of course). But wait again! You are on MYSPACE, and have at least TWO blogsites, so you are indeed disqualified permanently from the Ludd Club. P.S Welcome back from the flatlands!
Oh - and an IPOD! I just read your previous post! I rest my case.
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