In other news, there are currently some lovely kitties being hosted in Casa Wicked's guest room. It's always fun to have new friends around. Please to meet Smokey:
Smokey is loving and adorable and a GIRL, so don't go thinking she's gonna let you borrow her truck or build you a fence or anything. She is a highly adaptable young lady and has moved right in to her new surroundings with panache (I say that without complete confidence in my understanding of the word panache. Bold, eh?). She is also incredibly tolerant of the other cat she lives with, to whom you will be introduced shortly. I would love to let her out to roam the house freely, but on her first night here she escaped from the guest suite and was promptly chased around the house by Fiona of the Puffy Tail, so for everybody's sanity, she's staying put.
And speaking of sanity--or lack thereof--I offer this:
This is Ryder. She's not right, but in such a lovely and interesting sort of way. I know, you probably confused her with Fiona, didn't you? The similarities are striking, not to mention disturbing. Her engine is stuck on full speed ahead and I swear her eyes are always dilated (fine, if you're going to be a stickler, except for in this picture. Hmph.). My own big boy, Max, is always eager to act as ambassador between home and visitors, so he goes in daily to check on his women. Calm, loving Smokey is very interested in him, but he only has eyes for the unstable one, the one who chases him and whacks him repeatedly on the head. He's in there with her right now, accepting her abuse with panache.
Huh, I thought I had more, but I don't, so goodnight.
(And hey, AJ, thanks for the kick start)
yes, you are always entitled to free kick starts, within my abilities. i mentioned this.
as for you're use of "panache", you are to be admired for resisting the urge to look it up before using it. this is completely the correct way to do things; dictionaries merely confuse us. e.g., how often do you hear "for you're edification" (enlightenment)? the root of that word is edifice, which means a large building. figure *that* one out.
hey, let's do that with "firmament", the arched expanse of the sky: "...for you're firmamentation." oh yeah, we are gonna DO this!
please stop me. we are all suffering now.
anyway, i will shortly be sending this blog's link to the antmerry so she can be checkin' out her Man. you have one hour to suggest i don't. also, i just accidentally looked up "panache", don't ask.
So you now have FOUR cats residing in Casa La Wicked? I can just see Max, running around like a lil' nanny kitty: "Guys, guys! Can't we all just get along?" And Fiona. Filing her nails while they're dragging the lake.
Casa Kit-tens, sounds like a rich life filled with fur. You're right, Rider and Fiona bear a striking resemblance, there must be a mother ship of instability hovering in our galaxy discharging free pets...hmm
ackity j: appears i've missed my deadline, yes? i don't suppose procrastination has saved my ass yet again? also, panache. Panache, panache, panache.
Moi: Ohhh, yes, your assessment is a direct hit. A die-rect hit. Fifi doesn't even bother looking guilty anymore.
DR: "...mothership of instability hovering in our galaxy discharging free pets.." BWAAA HA HA HA!!! (wiping eyes) Lawd, help us, it's true.
i am twisting with delight over all these totally weird cat thoughts and images.
also i was totally bluffing, but antmy's gonna check in *sometime*.
panache panache panatchita patchita patchita patchita....whoooooo whooooooo!
aj: oh, i got a million of 'em! most of them you sent me and will soon debut on this very web site. good thing you're family's not camera shy...BWAAA HA HA HA HA!!!
"god bless." got "daniel nappin' for the gold" yet?
yes, the camera is a thing my family does not eschew.
** tom has snuck into the kitchen for a secret ham sandwich and exited before you noticed his entrance **
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