Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For the Love of Gawd, SHUT UP!

How I was greeted this morning:

"Miss Wicked, Miss Wicked, I have diarrhea!"

Just thought you should know.


Anonymous said...

an icky greeting, sure; but as a *warning* it's pretty helpful.

moi said...

And then you took her right to the school nurse. Right?

Wicked Thistle said...

aj: good point. i avoided her like a diarrhietic plague for the rest of the day. "No touchy, honey! No touchy!"

moi: Um...yes. That's what I did....right after I screamed, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WALKING VECTOR OF ILLNESS!!" Ew.

Doris Rose said...

Lovely. What our educators must endure, it's shocking. Iam going to requisition HazMat suits for all of our schools.