Check out this Supersonic Hulk man-child! During the day, he's my great-nephew; at night, he becomes a big ol' heapin' pile of burly cuteness who terrorizes his family by threatening to vacuum and make them lanyards. Eek!
Awwww, would you just look at these muffins? These are the younger siblings of yon Hulk man. Doesn't Mr. Boy there look so sweet? Don't you think he's just the sweetest big brother ever? He looks like he's just about ready to plant a widdle butterfly kiss on his sister's head, doesn't he?
He wasn't. Trust me.
This is my niece Katie's Play-doh version of a snake. Um, is it just me, or does it kinda look like a....oh, never mind. Let's forget I even brought it up. Moving right along....
This is my great aunt. She was sister to the great aunt who just recently turned in her time sheet. All I can say about this woman is: Fab.u.lous!! She taught me, without ever saying a word, that a woman should never leave the house without her mascara. She was on the cover of a magazine once. She was ultra-fab-way-out-coolio.

My uncles.
wow. armpits and the finger (twice). Gotta love that. I think. Weird. But good weird.
Thanks for sharing. I fear my future with two little boys is going to look a lot like these pictures over time.
If ya know what I mean!
Just goes to prove my theories about human maturation: most little boys grow up to be little boys, only with bigger pants; and little girls grow up to taunt them, parading their antics on the Internet, etc.
Oh, and another thing: isnt' the Hulk supposed to be GREEN?
Hmm, I do b'lieve you're right. So then *this* must be the guy from that weird new silver surfer movie. Yep, that's it. Or maybe the Hulk just had too many carrots at dinner last night.
I took the bird shot,
I took the biiiird shot,
la, la, la la, la....
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