Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Question du Jour

Is it wrong to clean your shower walls with a mop? I don't mean wrong in a Miss Manners sort of way, I mean fundamentally wrong as a human being.

I'm only asking for a friend.


moi said...

Depends on the mop. I'd use one of those red-handled Libman Power Mops you can score for about $11.95 at Tarzhay Boutique (repeat after Moi: Wal-Mart sucks), the ones with the bright yellow rectangular sponge on the one side and the red bristle brush thingee on the other? Then get yourself a bottle of Lysol Bathroom Cleaner, the kind that removes soap scum and hard water stains AND disinfects as it cleans. Spray said shower walls. Count to 15.67 seconds. Then, Libman firmly in hand, use the red brushy thingee to scrub the Lysol into the shower walls. Then, use the yellow side of the mop to remove. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Now, you got one a those old fashioned string mop types? Can't help you there . . .

Wicked Thistle said...

My *friend* hasn't been doing it quite that way. But she's starting to think that she should just hire somebody for these types of jobs. But I will pass along this information to her in case she feels inspired one lonely Saturday and needs a good excuse for a trip to Tarzzzzzhay, which is the only decent place for a human being to shop. Thank you, dahling!

Doris Rose said...

Hell yes! I can't reach half the places I need to clean! I used one of those large Swiffer mop-thingies with a towel to dust my walls. Tell your *friend* that she had a great idea.

Anonymous said...

mop: no.
toilet brush: yes.