Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Early Morning Delight

Waking up before 6:00 a.m. is not unusual for me. Getting my ass out of bed at that time without some really compelling reason is. I love the luxuriousness of lounging in bed--it's one of the many things I find to be sincerely spiritual--and since I have conveniently not had kids or dogs who are demanding at all hours of the day and night, I can pretty much do this if I least during the summer. Nine months out of the year, of course, I'm a slave to the alarm clock. But we're not dwelling on that right now, la la la la.

This morning I was out of bed, tea brewing, before the sun came up. The thought of watching the sun rise over the mountains--on my balcony and not in the car on the way to work, thank you very much--appealed to that hazy romantic part of me that you all know I like so much. Sunrises make me think of the beach, and the beach is my all-time ultimate forever happy place, so it seemed a definite win-win all the way around. So tea in one hand, book on contemplative prayer in the other (God and I have simply got to get this thing worked out), I padded out to the patio to Be At Peace. I even put on pants, which was not strictly necessary but seemed in good taste. Wanting to share the joy, I took los gatos Fifi, Max, and foster boy Shadow "Fang" Poofalicious, plus the wabbit, out with me. The family that plays together stays together, you know.

Aside from Fifi's intermittent hissing at Fang because he existed in her world, it was beautifully quiet. (Well, and there was my Loud Neighbor's Very Loud Alarm Clock at 6:15 but he eventually turned it off and what I learned about him is that alarm clocks mean nothing because it's almost an hour later and there are still no signs of life over there. Huh, maybe he was up too late last night harassing his girlfriend and making loud, unidentifiable noises for the whole neighborhood to hear and now he's exhausted. Poor thing. Maybe I should throw a rock or something.) The birds are quite daring at that hour. They circle and buzz the houses like mad things and seemed to have a fine time taunting the cats with their inaccessibility. Fifi sat on the balcony wall and stared at them, occasionally making a jumping movement as if she might actually catch one. As if. (Although it must be noted that last year she did catch a bird that was kind of slow and 'tarded but her mother made her release it, which is probably is a contributing factor to all this grumpyass mood of hers.) I do think that I inadvertently swallowed a small spider with my tea while being At Peace, which was okay for me but probably not so much for the spider.

It was a quiet and fabulous way to start the day, despite the reprimanding I had to give Bugs for eating my plants. (He is a wabbit, after all, so he does get some special dispensation there.) After his scoldings, he ran behind all the plants to his secret place and nibbled loudly on a plastic plant tray. He really showed me, he did, because that was not at all conducive to my Peace.

Since my voyage south to the coast is a mere week and a half away, I'll consider this morning as training for impending sunrises over the ocean. The really lovely thing about getting up early there is that I can sit on the porch with my brother Jack, who is the ultimate early riser and who is very pleasant to just sit with and be. The other lovely thing there is that if you get up early you get first dibs on leftover noshies, which, believe me, becomes important in a house with 25+ people. Do not swanker in at 10:30, rubbing your eyes, and expect to get some cheese toast.

Thanks for sharing my early morning with me. I'm curious--what gets you out of bed in the morning (and work doesn't count because, well...duh)?? Feel free to answer in haiku if you like, or just regular prose. Or single syllables. Or grunts, especially if getting up early just does not work for you.

And now, it's time for cheese toast.

*Truth in advertising: this picture was actually taken at sunset, but it was all I had. Sorry. Still, isn't the big boy handsome?


Anonymous said...

having taken three boys to the midnight opening of "HARRY BLOGGER AND THE ORDER OF THE BEESWAX" last night, i found myself trying to get my own ass *into* bed before the sun came up this morning. today i am in a sort of Lucid Cracklin' state of mind, easily able to contemplate both luxuriousness and the lack thereof.

jeffrey applauds you're spiritual foray into the essence of leisure, and he dreams of the day.

btw, tis official: get ready for yer zakkin'.

Doris Rose said...

That was just lovely, almost like being there...and I'll bet it was before garage doors. I,too ,love that first blush of morning. Mine is usually the sun coming over the horizon and reflecting on my face (read laser beam in my eye). My 2 wups will stay in bed as long as I am there, sometimes requesting pets and sometimes sleeping, ahhh.All too soon our collective bladders require attention. Thanks for a nice morning.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, gulf coast time...ahem:

yaaaaawwwg shmeck blink blink shmeck
early sunscreeners hail me
DAD! no cheese toast! BEACH!!!

Wicked Thistle said...

Brob, I feel slightly apologetic for even reminding you that these moments exist in the world. Sometimes it's better just not to know...or remember... They *will* happen for you, though, they *will,* and perhaps all you need to make it happen is a pair of ruby slippers. And some Demerol. In the meantime, eat nachos. And think of Hermione in her magic tights and cape.

p.s. zak = yak

Wicked Thistle said...

shut up kids, you're dad
is trying to sleep and we all
know how well *that* goes.

birthin' babies, who
woulda thunk they'd come back to
haunt you so early?

when sleeplessnessess
persists, remember that there
is always Bluebell.

moi said...

'tho child free, alas
the dog is still to be walked
each a.m. at dawn

training for la luz
wires me awake the rest
of the early morn'

booba said...

This morning early I was racing down these uneven steps that wrapped around this sheer cliff when a fierce draft caught me from behind and I nosedived off the side head first at a high rate of speed downward. It ocurred to me that if I manuerved my torso in such a way as to accentuate an upward moving dog pose I could use the great velocity of the air to tact my frame upwards and with what seemed like some primal instinct I was suddenly and with great euphoria soaring above the land below towards the brightest blue imaginable. A jolt of seering pain ran down the right side of my neck deep into my shoulder most likely from the hours of weed eating the day before as I heaved from fetal crunching to fully consciuos flat out sweaty corpse pose. Kicking off the tangled bedding I reassured myself that I was in Colorado and I still remembered how to FLY!

Orangeblossoms said...

he is a handsome boy.....

I love lounging, too. SO good. Wish I could do it every morning.

moi said...

Oh, yes, sorry. Forgot to send some wuv Max's way. Wuv, wuv, that mush pot of a chub nugget.

~MAGILL~ said...

I lounge when work is imminent and rise with vigor on those days when coffee and sunrise are calling

some days my morning calls with friends, creating my day, interupt the slumber

the animals outside are clamoring for food at first light - none inside