Monday, July 9, 2007

Wicked? Hello??

Urg, I seem to have fallen off the blogging bandwagon. I had lots of witty thoughts to share with you, oh, sometime last week, but I have since gone to Slothland and can’t recall any of them now. I wish I could get a printout from my brain of all the thoughts I have when I’m driving or sleeping. They’re spot on every time, and yet—somehow—I never can seem to remember them when I put fingers to keyboard. Funny that.

So, despite the fact that I’m up, dressed, face washed, tummy fed, and feeling slightly task-oriented, I can’t think of a durn thing to say to you. Fortunately, I’ve been holding little something back in anticipation of this moment, something that can fill in the blanks for me when my pungy little brain goes MIA. So, without further ado, please enjoy Leonid, as I’m sure so many have before you. Ah-one, ah-two, ah-one, ah-two, ah-three, ah-four…


moi said...

Ah. Now I know where my bazillions a year in property tax is going: August through May, my patronage allows you to help hundreds, uh, dozens, of kids lurn to tawk real purdy. The rest of the time, it funds your Doritos and YouTube habit. Which is fine, I'm not complaining. Communism died, what, 15 years ago? And now look at what all that capitalistic verve hath wrought. And I'd never have know what funny stuff it all is wit-out choo serving mankind from the depths of your sofa. Party on, Garth.

Anonymous said...

scotland or slothland
leonid's ass hoop is there
internet magic

Hey, did he say "legs gone"?
...silly ass hoop.

moi said...

Uh, Thistle . . . members of your famblee are hai-kooing again. Was that the assignment and I missed it? Again?

Wicked Thistle said...

Oh, yes, Moi, my whanker family is *always* several steps ahead of me on haiku and everything else. Look for haiku and possible assignments of such before the end of the week.