Now imagine that, after storming through your house in a rage, you remember that little bottle of sunshiney goodness that you stored under the bathroom sink after your last trip to the beach. Plucking it out, you pull off the top and breathe in a deep whiff of...
Waves gently butting against the shore...

Brown pelicans flying overhead...

Sunset over the water...

And beautiful sand castles...

(All right, I'll be the first to admit that I had nothing to do with that sand castle picture. I hijacked it from the internet because I thought it would be funny, just like I hijacked all the other pictures up there because I was too lazy to take any myself. I'm sorry, but there it is.)
Wouldn't that just loosen the tension by ten to the gazillion and remind you that sitting on the porch with a cold one is sooooo much more important that storming about the house, throwing your mother's china at the TV because you simply cannot take it if you hear our "leader" pronounce our country's name as '"Murca" one more time?? I think so.
As you may have gathered, the trip was wonderful. I achieved modified versions of all my goals (1. only drank a little with the uncles and maintained control throughout their attempts to drag me into their "rah-rah-george-w-can-do-no-wrong" political discussions; 2. did handstands in the ocean, although sadly I couldn't even meet last year's time; and, 3. fed Zak strawberry jello until he almost yorked. He wasn't allowed to use utensils, so it was a close one.). It was fabulous. By the end of the trip it was obvious that time had somehow collapsed on itself, because six days of beachside pleasure had whisked by so fast that I was sure I'd been there no more than three. I was not ready to go, although the pain of departure was lightened somewhat by the knowledge that we will return next summer.
And as hard as it was to leave, I'm glad to be back here with you. There's something comforting about knowing that your friends are back home and your own abode is waiting for you, with everything safe and sound within. So I'm welcoming myself home with great anticipation of seeing you all soon and hearing what you've been up to!
Welcome back, Wonderful Wicked. Your absence was palpable. Your description lowered my shoulders. And I look forward to beach time in Nov.
1. Do waves actually butt? I approve of this property.
2. One of you're uncles--THE uncle--technically stated that he would under certain circumstances vote for a Democratic Party presidential candidate.
3. I did NOT SEE you doing handstands in the ocean. Counter!
4. Zak sucks (jello).
Mmmm, sunshiney goodness. Concurrence.
aj of the beer:
1. i can say definitively that i have been butted by a wave. front side and back. it is not a gentle experience, although i admit that in this context i implied that it was. it went with my *vision.*
b. WHICH UNCLE??! notice how he didn't say it in front of me?? big sissy. big TEXAN sissy.
Welcome back! We missed your wicked ways! So I guess, from the "Murka" comment, you did not get back into an ol' Oklie twang?
Yay! The Thistle is back. I have missed your voice in my comments section and your personage, well, we'll get together soon.
I'm so glad one amongst our motley crue got to see the beach this summer. For it's not going to be Moi.
Your blog inspired me... I shall send pics to you as soon as I get to the Ferguson household (tomorrow). I still get a little queasy when I look at Jell-o.
Thanks for the good times and memories, Mandy!
-THE Zak
doris rose: ahhh, you're planning a beach trip in november, then?? smart. very, very smart. but then i always knew you were.
afanny: ohhhh, ho, ho, I did indeed slip disturbingly quickly back into my Okie accent (which is actually a Louisiana accent because that's where my family hails from even thought I didn't grow up there at all). It goes away as quickly as it comes, but I'll dredge up a little something for you at the opera. :-)
moi: I missed you, too! Glad to be back in a world where I can comment away on your fabulous work.
aj: Oh, yeah, I *did* do those handstands! Just ask you eldest boy. He don't lie. Pah, and where were *you??*
zakmac: mmm, jell-o....slurp, slurp... It was another ding-dilly-dang fun trip, wasn't it? Glad you could make it for another year. I think if you come back in '08 you're automatically adopted into the Ferg household. And then you can never leave. BWAAAA HA HA HA HAAAA!
Hey, I thought I already was! You even referred to yourself as my sister this year.
Don't get ahead of yourself there, must suffer for the mandatory amount of time, just like the rest of us. And are you sure I didn't say "aunt?" Or possibly "goddess?"
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