Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cleanliness is Next to Maxliness

Here's the reason I couldn't wash my face before bed last night:

Oh, I have other sinks, yes, but Max was in this one.

And he was too bizzy trying on my jewelry to get up.

And he has total mind control over me so I couldn't insist he get out.


And guess what??

Now he has total mind control over you, too.



moi said...

What is Max controlling my mind with at this very moment? "Go, enjoy your Doritos and fashion television and forget about the problems of the world and of your knee. And the next time you come visit, could ya score me a couple a' mice?"

Anonymous said...

My cat tries on my jewelry too... it's humiliating for everyone involved.

Doris Rose said...

ssshhh...the girls are listening...NO jewelry for big dogs. No. just say NO. Stop it Max. sure pierced earrings would be pretty on a big brown dog and sure she might sit still for the piercing, but I'm still thinkin'...nah.

Anonymous said...

...and by "my cat tries on my jewelry too", zak of course means "i like to dress up my cat in rhinestone and feather boa while Chi Chi Chihuahua watches."

and neither zak nor his cat *really* consider it humiliating at all, though Chi Chi appears to be mighty galled about the whole thing.

i don't think Max should have to change one bit, though. he already controls you're mind; go find another bathroom or quit whining and pursue legal remedy.

~MAGILL~ said...

I didn't know they made jewelry for Sumo Cat

he could be an olympic contender
w/o jewelry

Orangeblossoms said...

He really couldn't be any more intense, could he? Wow. I thought Gus had mind control powers. Clearly, Max, has mastered the art.

Wicked Thistle said...

Yea, verily, Max is mighty.

Moi: the beautiful thing about Max is that he only controls your mind with things *you* want. He's generous that way. Doritos? You got it. Fashion? He's all over it. Mice? Sure, he's game to try, but he prefers lettuce and Velveeta cheese.

Zak: Ummm...yeah. I'll need pictures.

DR: But Max *wants* the girls to have pierced ears....

Flamer! Thanks for showing up and playing even though I'm an extreme slacker sister. And your right--Max is perfect just the way he is. He can have my bathroom. And anything else he wants. Cause he's Max.

Magillo: Waaaaaah! Couldn't make link work!

O-Blossoms: Just imagine Max and Gus *together...* Oh, the awesome power!

Max loves you all and sends you peace and tranquility.