Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Name That Place!

I'll give you a hint--it's in New Mexico.

And Doris Rose, I'm sorry, but you can't play. It would be unfair. But dinna fash, it's not like you're missing out on a fantastic prize or anything. Nope, the glory here is in showcasing what obscure facts can be pulled out of the cobwebbed corners of the human brain...or at least how adept one is at Google searches. The latter becomes increasingly important as one loses access to the former. Not that I would know or anything. I'm just sayin'.



moi said...

Hmmmm . . . Okay, here's Moi's three cent's worth:

1. Chino Open Pit Mine at Silver City.
2. The concrete factory up in Tijeras.
3. The gravel pit in Edgewood.

Dat's all I got!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where it is, but I've been there before. It was at night. I may have been dreaming; things were visible but in a weird dusty light, as in the picture here. My car had been crashed but I didn't remember the crash itself, just an awareness that there would now be walking. And a dusty, gravelly landscape like this one, so that I was really aware of the walking parts. There was a rumbling mechanical sound kind of moving around, but I never located its source....

Of course, now I know what the sound was: giant Tonka trucks. Thanks, T-Mac!

And a p.s., the two large tires lying on the inside radius of the curve suggest that this might be the Honderas Dump Truck Raceway out by Tajique.

Doris Rose said...

I know, I know, ok...I won't tell. Fascinating,nonetheless.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I was going to say Globe, AZ, a real pisshole, but you said New Mexico, so I'm going to guess silver city. I just found your blog, so I'm probably too late anyway.