Loose guidelines for
living: Part I
#3. Just think to
yourself: "what
would Jesus do?" & if
you don't like the
answer, try again
with a slight
variation: "what
would Jesus do if he
were in your shoes
had all those bills &
he was used to all the
perks of being an
American, too?
Would he do it any
different?" & usually
the answer is No.
(magic religious 8 ball)
Hmmm, well...I think he might turn over the tables in the temple and perhaps a few at the white house and I think several in congress.Then He would wash his hands--twice and say..."I'm going home now, my work is done here".
Or, he'd go shopping with Moi. Because don't you think he could USE a little shopping therapy by now? So, now, the question becomes: what would Jesus BUY?
DR: I think the complete quote is, "I'm going home now, my work here is done, you assholes." That's right; Jesus cusses. We drove him to it.
Moi: Oh ho HOOOOO, you've just opened up a can of Vera Wang worms, haven't you? Jesus as a fashion-conscious shopaholic? I like it.
What *would* Jesus buy? You must all weigh in on this. Believe me, Jesus wants you to. He's stuck in reruns and needs some fresh entertainment from his peeps. So do it; do it for Jesus.
I think he would definitely go for the REI stuff. Easy to pack and travel with...maybe some Tevas. Oh a backpack for sure..a good flashlight. And for those special synagog days...I'm thinking maybe silk or a light breatheable cotton.
Sounds like about the right outfit . . . Although I'm pushing for some simple Levi's and a nice Hugo Boss tee for casual Fridays. I'm also thinking, do we need to do something with his hair?
Jesus would buy:
(1) an auto-ululator.
(2) a book of english grammar and punctuation to aid in His enlightenment of the nascar masses when touring stateside.
"...with *an* apostrophe." in Hades.
i'm so sorry, Jeebus.
and just like the dentist, He doth forgive me!
It is Moi's singular goal to eventually be hipply clever enough to understand Achewood.
i also enjoyed the zippy the pinhead strip for many years. never did exactly get it, but i love reading it.
the cultural references in achewood mostly escape me as well, but i don't give a durn: it's weirder than i am.
back on topic: Jesus would buy a model train set. duh!
Isn't it about time we hear from Aunty Becky? Yoo hoo?
Hello, good morning, I have completely forgotten that I have a blog. Thank you all for filling in during the interim, and please do not leave your posts just yet. I'm not done with my blog procrastination.
To all of you, I say: BWAAAAA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!! Your comments are hilarious. I love them. Please don't stop. Without you, there is no blog.
And I second Moi: AntBecky? Hello? Are you standing on top of a roof somewhere? Are you and Bessie taking the long way to San Antonio? Are your arms too tired from winding up the power source to your radio that you don't have the strength to type? Are you miffed over the results of the poll? We love you, AntBecky, and we want to know you're okay! Write in!
...waaaaaaaait, did you just tell you're readers not to leave posts just yet? how will antbecky check in? um, uh....hmm.
"Do not leave your posts just yet." HA! Double meaning! And me a language specialist! No, no, aj, what I meant was do not leave your leaving-comments-on-Wicked's-posts post. But do leave you're posts.
Translation: please keep carrying me along on your wide shoulders of witty repartee.
2nd translation: don't stop leaving comments. EVER.
isn't a witty repartee some specialized offense used in the sport of fencing??
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