So, instead, I offer you this picture. My Auntie M sent it to me today, and it was sent to her by my crazy Aunt Becky, who is not actually my aunt but is definitely a nutcase. I mean, the woman took this picture out behind a Home Depot in Houston. What more do you need in the way of evidence?
Hi Auntie M! Hi Aunt Becky! Love you guys!

I*LOVE*The*COW BABIES!!! SMMMMACK!That picture is too cute.
Sorry about the traffic jam...I heard about it but couldn't warn you in time.No snow, tho.
"AJ, if you bothered to maintain you're relationships, you would get cow pictures too."
so, no cow for me dammit. um, i mean, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Am I the only person for whom this photo begs the question: what in the heck fire are cows doing behind a Houston Home Depot and why is your Aunty Becky sneaking out there to snap photos?
Still, that is some seriously, seriously cute cow, and we are all the more smiley because of it.
DR: I know! How many times did we stop in Scotland so that Doris could admire the cow babies?? It doesn't matter, because it WASN'T ENOUGH! One can never get enough cow babies.
aj: dinna fash because, you see, all life is a circle. if *i* get the cow picture, *you* get the cow picture, then you send me something remarkably witty and pithy and genius-like, and then i sit down and drink some whiskey. see? a circle.
Moi: Mm-hm. Exactly. That is exactly what I am saying. Please be sure to vote on Aunt Becky's mental status (see sidebar poll).
Every morning on the way to work I pass this animal and I always get such a feeling of loneliness. So Sunday after buying birdseed at Home Depot, I stopped to visit. He came up to me like a puppy and I scratched behind his ears. I guess he's on this small patch of land for grazing exemption. We love u 2.
Um, Aunt Becky doesn't SOUND crazy. And now, dang it, I'm all verklempt over this cow. We should rescue her and relocate her to Doris Rose's manse.
antbecky: See, you are just the Saint Francina of the urban landscape! That is a bootiful story and it makes my heart happy to know that you are looking after single bovines in need of love. Please give Bessie a scritch for me.
Moi: I know, she's very adept at the normalcy looking, isn't she? But my poll results tell another story. And we all know that poll results do not lie.
(antbecky: Smooch! Thanks for playing!)
well clearly Becky & the bovine have formed a special bond,but should the relationship go south-- either one is welcome to graze at the manse. (they will have to share with the two resident grazers,who are currently receiving therapy.)
...where do i gets my grazing exemption?
AntBecky, take the cow and go north! Evacuate! You and Bessie hunker down!
...seriously, be safe, girl.
I was just thinking the same thing. Run, run! Will the cow know to hunker down and wait it out? Will Aunt Becky report back in next week so we know everyone's okay? Will AJ come up with something mysteriously snarky to say about hurricanes?
aj gives the same advice about hurricanes that he gives concerning tornadoes and nuclear attacks:
"run toward ground zero."
p.s. antbecky--not really! kidding!
See there? And you people think I'm strange.
*AHEM*, there exists a disturbingly large pool of scenarios where AJ's above advice would be exceedingly sound.
for instance: say moi and aj have just blown up, strafed, and incendiarized pretty much all of dizz knee land. what will mickey, goofy, sneezy/dopey/grumpy, daisy duck, and any other not-yet-exploded characters do then?...hitchhike to omaha? look for construction work?
no. they will face reality and jump into the cleansing fire. run toward ground zero. it'll make *plenty* sense to *them*.
(next week: why a hobo life would not work in this case)
p.s. i saw antbecky and the moocow heading northwest on a big flatbed rig hauling oilfield equipment. they were havin' snacks and they looked haaaaaaaaap-PEE.
aj: are you attempting to weave a common theme into all my blogs?
bravo, i say. bravo.
more than you yet know: i see all themes, once woven, turning us slowly...inexorably...back toward Shatner.
"oops, i Shatner self." - zak
ohhhhhh, zak...sigh.
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