1) Burned my neck with the curling iron. I rarely even use a curling iron, which might account for my mismanagement of the implement. Ouch.
2) Found that a headlight on my car was out again. According to the nice man at Pep Boys, this happens a lot with this particular bulb type. Excellent.
3) Had an early morning dentist appointment, during which my tooth stump was manhandled by an inept dental hygeniest--without benefit of narcotics (for me at least; I can't speak for her, although it might 'splain some things if she's been doping before sunrise).
4) The road conditions were already well toward nasty by 8:30.
On the up side, snow!
5) I went to see a kindergartner who is brand new to my caseload today. She sashayed over to me, cocked her head to the side, then proceeded to pat my hair on one side, and then the other. I said, "Sweetie, what are you doing?" To which she replied, in perfectly clear speech, "Your hair's messy." Down side: she is so going to be the boss of me. Up side: I think she's cured! Getting to the bottom of the situation: fine, if you must know, my hair was messy. But I don't need a 5-year-old to tell me that.
Wuh. What? It's snowy there?!? I'm gone on famblee vay-cay to Bwanson (I know. I know. But, I have shoes for that.), and am feeling untethered from the goings on at home.
P.S. How freakin' cute is Max in the snow? OMG. Must be. Smooched.
P.S. Your hair never looks messy. Just thought I'd get that in there . . .
Moi: Oh, yes, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 3" at my house, and more coming. Prolly 412,358" at your house; hope the squirrels have stashed plenty of nuts for occasions just like this. Re: Max, you simply *must* come by and experience Max On The Sofa In The Winter. He melts like butter right into your lap and softly touches your cheek with his furry, furry paw. Mmm...
p.s. thanks for the props on the hair. i'm going to tell little miss sassypants what you said. the irony? her hair is a wreck. every day.
i say hold miss sassypants responsible for the curling stick mishap, even if it did happen before you met her.
metaphysics, man.
headlights: my wagon also does this, but only on the left side, and high beam only: low beam's only burned out once in ten years, but the high beam burns out within TWO DAYS of bulb replacement EVERY TIME. the voltage shows good. right side bulb has never burned out.
metaphysics, man.
i'm winding up the puppy for you.
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