Today I woke up feeling like this:
Except I was supine and didn't have a nifty grasshopper snack to fortify me for the trip to the bathroom. But you know what I mean.
I found that picture on, thank yew very much to them, along with a slew of others. In lieu of something intelligent or pithy or at least mildly funny, I thought I'd shamelessly yank those pictures from msn and put them together with random, faintly stupid comments and call it my blog. And suggest that it's educational because I am going to give you facts. Facts that I stole from another source, but if I had taken them straight from my head then they would no longer be facts anymore, but rather just opinions, and if you spent any time at all with me yesterday you will have had just enough of that.
So let's see what there is to find:

This little imp is the cotton-top tamarin. Tamarin--sounds like a spice, doesn't it? And she looks like she could be one of the Spice Girls, so see how nicely I tied all that together. And let's face it, who can't relate to waking up with hair like this?? Although it looks festive on her, the little tamarin bee-yotch.
This is a bird of paradise. I
never wake up looking like this. I'm including this picture only as a way to mention that...ahem...I
didn't know that the bird of paradise was actually a
bird. I thought it was just a plant. I am duh.

WHALE SHARK! WHALE SHARK IN THE WATER!! Not a whale, mind you, but the largest fish
ever. I once had a chance to go look for a whale shark in the ocean. Spotting one was not guaranteed, but yorking into the roiling, 8-foot tall waves was. I declined and got to swim all by myself with a sea turtle instead. The elusive whale shark was never spotted by the yorkers, ha ha HAAAA!!

Continuing with the underwater theme, this is the wolf eel. Doesn't it look a little nervous? It's not dangerous unless provoked, but I do wonder how it defines the word "provoked."
You looking at me? You looking at me?!

The Vietnamese mossy frog is as wide across as it is long, effectively giving it the shape of a...square, I guess. Or a symmetrical green blob. Some days I wish I could camouflage myself like this so that no one could find me.
Wonder Wicked, take the form of a.....desk!

Oh, look, here we are underwater again! This is the bonnethead shark, also known as the shovelhead shark. Personally, I would find it rather undignified to be named after a garden implement, but who am I to say? BTW, this is the only shark to have sexual dimorphism, which means that the males and females actually look different. Maybe the girls have smaller heads, in which case they could be called hoehead sharks. Ha! I made a funny.

This poor thing is called a harpy eagle. It just looks like its got attitude, doesn't it? I guess that anything that eats monkeys and
sloths can have all the attitude it wants
. Death by harpy eagle sounds particularly...disturbing.
Nice hair, dude.

I'll confess that this little guy is my favorite. Mr. woolly monkey up there is kind of a scaredy cat; he doesn't like deep water and will not cross it unless its widdle feet can touch the bottom. He looks very serious about his veggie intake.

These are fossa, which I include only as a lead in to these cute widdle behbies who are not found on msn (yet) but rather on my brother Rob's bed every morning:

There. That's today's edumacation.
No tests, all grades will be based on participation.
Good day.